Important Dates

The information listed is important for Student Accounts and is not necessarily inclusive of other College calendars. Please consult with other College departments about their specific dates and deadlines.

Student Accounts - Important Dates and Deadlines for Fall 2024 Semester
July 26Fall 2024 Charges Posted on CASHNet (Account Activity Detail)
August 1First Statements Available on CASHNet for Fall 2024 Semester
August 20Payment Due Date
August 25Last Day to Withdraw/Go on Leave for 100% Tuition Reimbursement
August 26Fall 2024 First Day of Classes
September 2Labor Day (No Classes in Session)
September 3Statements Available on CASHNet
September 9Last Day to Add/Drop Course for Tuition/Financial Aid Adjustment
September 9Last Day to Withdraw/Go on Leave for 80% Tuition, Housing, & Food Reimbursement
September 20Payment Due Date
October 1Statements Available on CASHNet
October 14-15Fall Break (No Classes in Session)
October 17Last Day to Withdraw/Go on Leave for 50% Tuition, Housing, & Food Reimbursement
October 18Course Overload Fee Charged
October 20Payment Due Date
October 27Last Day to Withdraw/Go on Leave for 20% Food Only Reimbursement
November 1Statements Available on CASHNet
November 12-15Pre Registration for Spring 2025
November 20FINAL Payment Due Date of Fall 2024
November 27-29Thanksgiving Break (No Classes in Session)
December 1Statements Available on CASHNet
December 6Last Day of Fall 2024 Classes
December 9-13Final Exams
December 20Spring 2025 Charges Posted on CASHNet (Account Activity Detail)